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ICEFA: 11th International Conference on Electric Fuses and their Applications

The 11th International Conference on Electric Fuses and their Applications was organized by the High Voltage and Power Systems...

Smart Grids Using Computational Intelligence

The distribution of Electric Power (EP) is in an evolving revolution as production is transformed from aggregated into scattered...

Future growth in sustainable, resilient and climate friendly organic and conventional European aquaculture

The overall objective of “FutureEUAqua” is to effectively promote sustainable growth of resilient to climate changes, environmental friendly organic...

DIFME-Digital Internationalisation and Financial Literacy Skills for micro entrepreneurs

“DIFME” project seeks to deliver a curriculum to meet the real needs of entrepreneurs in the areas of financial...

Weaving innovation among Academia and industry in the Tunisian textile sector

The textile industry is the second largest industrial sector in Tunisia accounting for 161k jobs. However, the sector lacks...

Establishment of Leather Hubs in Russia And Mongolia

The main outcomes of the “LEATHUB: project will be the establishment of four training and innovation centers in four...

Development of water based conductive inks based on graphene

Among the most advanced applications of nanotechnology is the development of printed flexible electronic circuits (FPEs), which are expected...

Eunomia User – Oriented, Secure, Trustful & Decentralized Social Media

EUNOMIA is a fully decentralised, intermediary-free and open-source solution for addressing three key challenges: (a) Which social media user...

AgroLabs – AgroFood Innovation Clusters ‘’Interreg Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020’’

For the Balkan Med region, the agro-food sector has an important social and economic role–especially in rural communities -...

Nutritional Map for Traditional or Local Products of the Region of Sterea Hellas

Strengthening the knowledge base of the nutritional value of local/traditional products, by explaining the nutritional value of their special...