The Well@School project builds new knowledge and practices for higher education. The aim of the project was to ensure that primary school teachers, health professionals and curators have the competences required for promoting mental health in school communities, using digital methods.
School professionals face the challenges related to the mental well-being of school children, in their daily work. New kind of competences are needed so that children and young people can receive support and help for finding ways to cope with various challenges affecting mental health.
Despite the various mental health promotion trainings and interventions, the number of children and young people with mental health challenges is high. School professionals need up-to-date information and sufficient understanding of today’s needs and means of mental health promotion.
Project Τitle: Well@School – Developing multi-professional Higher Education for promoting mental health and well-being at schools
Project Duration: 01.09.2020 – 31.08.2023
Project URL:
Project Framework: ERASMUS+ KA203 – Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Funding: 304.630,00€ (UNIWA: 61.555,00€)
Scientific coordinator (UNIWA): Evanthia Sakellari
Consortium – Partners:
Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland (coordinator)
Vilnius University, Lithuania
University of West Attica, Greece
University of Novo Mesto, Slovenia
Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Research Publications
Lahti M., Korhonen J., Sakellari E., Notara V., Lagiou A., Istomina N., Grubliauskienė J., Makutienė M., Šukytė D., Erjavec K., Petrova G., Lalova V., Ivanova S., Laaksonen C. 2023. Competences for promoting mental health in primary school. Health Education Journal,
Sakellari E., Notara V., Lagiou A., Fatkulina, N., Ivanova S., Korhonen J., Kregar Velikonja N., Lalova V., Laaksonen C., Petrova G., Lahti M. 2021. Mental Health and Wellbeing at Schools: Health Promotion in Primary Schools with the Use of Digital Methods. Children, 8(5): 345.
- The Well@School framework focusing on digital methods
- An online course promoting mental health in primary schools
- An e–learning platform consisting of a reference framework, an online course and a handbook for working professionals
All results are available online: