Combining expertise across all facets of transport and analytical tools, WE-TRANSFORM applied a participatory approach, using Collective Intelligence (CI), to generate an evidence-based and action-oriented agenda to research, formulate and prioritize the challenges connected to the effects of automation on the transport labour force, on future working conditions and on skills requirements.

The WE-TRANSFORM consortium, leveraging existing data and people’s expertise, and empowered by the range and depth of its composition, created a system of thematic and modal cross-national living hub as a knowledge & prioritization agenda-creation platform, offering a path forward for smarter decisions, more innovative and evidence-based policymaking. The approach of WE-TRANSFORM was highly collaborative, promoting discovery, debate and prioritization of themes by the active participation of representative types of stakeholders. This collaboration took place through the organization of 6 large international workshops, numerous technical meetings in seven European countries and focus group meetings targeted to specific thematic areas. The composition of the consortium and the Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools used guaranteed access to a wide range of sources and knowledge, as long as the access and involvement in the project of stakeholders from all transport sectors.

The project developed an action-based policy agenda composed on policies and actions at different levels and thematic areas, timetables, responsibilities of the parties involved, methods for policies implementation etc. The project partners intents to maintain the collaborative platform and after the end of the project in order to monitor the implementation of the action plan.


Project Duration: 1/12/2020 – 31/03/2024

Project URL: https://wetransform-project.eu/

Project Framework & Funding: EC, Horizon Program, 2.500.000 Euro

Scientific coordinator (UNIWA): Yannis Tyrinopoulos

Consortium – Partners: Politecnico di Torino, Worldwide Railway Organization, Mercedes Benz, HITACHI Rail, POLIS, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, ERTICO, Fundación Valenciaport, Terminal Investment Limited Tilgroup, Austria Tech, Leonardo, Transport and Telecommunication Institute, TrainOSE, Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Trasporti, Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Trasporti, UIL Trasporti, EMT Valencia, Attiko Metro, Foundation for Logistics and Management Development, LGI consulting, Business Tampere, Eugenidis Foundation, Virtech, University of the Aegean, University of Surrey, VEDECOM, Missions Publique, Traviglia Notaro Vernetti Studio Legale Associato, Keolis Group

Research Publications / Results / Patents

The project produced

  • 10 deliverables with research results
  • 1 collaborative platform
  • 3 publications
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