The University of West Attica, the Research Laboratory ”Economics, Management, Health and Social Protection Policies” and its Director Professor Markos Sarris, the Director of the MSc in Health and Social Care Services Management and Administration Professor Sotirios Soulis and the Social Policy Department of the ”Management of Health and Welfare Units” of the Department of Business Administration, participated together with Professor G. Pierrakos and Associate Professor A. Goulas in the innovative Research project of biogenetic technology and business innovation entitled “Production, distribution and application of platelet gel product from umbilical cord blood in patients with diabetic foot” within the framework of the special protocol of cooperation.
The Research Laboratory ”Economics, Management, Health and Social Protection Policies” continues the long-standing collaboration with the Institute of Medical and Biological Research of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA) and the Umbilical Cord Blood Bank (OPA) since the first project in 2005 entitled “Investigation of Quality of Life in transplant patients and development of tools for the assessment of health-related quality of life” within the framework of the official research programme Archimedes I, then in 2012, with the project “Development of a Network of Cord Blood Collection Centres and Quality Assurance in the Hellenic Cord Blood Bank through the establishment of an Accreditation System according to the FACT-NETCORD Standard”, until today with its participation in the research project EYDE/ETAK.
The overall project was undertaken by the IBBEAA of the Academy of Athens, the National Academy of Athens, the University General Hospital of Attikon, the BDC and the ODIHR laboratory of the PADA.
The research success of the project will provide the foundation of the most modern biotechnological know-how in Greece and Internationally, will create hope for millions of patients with advanced disease outcomes “from the application of allogeneic platelet gel for the healing of diabetic foot ulcers” and at the same time, will further develop the scientific know-how in the Academic and Research field.
This academic and research initiative of the PADA and the achieved inter-foundation collaboration, thus makes the IMRP and the institution a strong research pole in international scientific competition and is in line with its long-term development and scientific objectives.
Project Τitle: Production, disposal and use of a platelet gel product from umbilical cord blood in patients with diabetic foot
Project Duration: 10/11/2020 έως 28/02/2022
Project Framework & Funding: RESEARCH PROJECT K.E. 70/3/15439 “Production, disposal and use of a platelet gel product from umbilical cord blood in patients with diabetic foot” General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) / EYDE – ETAK (67,100.00 €)
Scientific coordinator (UNIWA): Professor Sotirios Soulis
Consortium – Partners: Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA)/ University General Hospital “Attikon” – U.O.A./ University of West Attica / Research Lab -HEMPOLAB / DBC