ILSaS+ – New Integrated Library System as Service

The project’s primary goal is to transition to a new environment of the Central Infrastructure to offer an Integrated Library System as a Service – ILSaS+. This transition will not only expand, enhance, and enrich the collaborative environment of libraries with new services, but also provide libraries with simultaneous and increased autonomy in parameterizing their systems.
This means that while libraries can customize their systems to their specific needs, they can still benefit from collaborative, centralized cataloguing and documentation of materials. The new ILSaS+ environment will also maintain features such as the central facility of necessary computing equipment (ILSaS+ Hub), support and maintenance by an external company (second level of support), and the Central Support Team (first level of support), as well as ongoing user education, centred on the operation of the Cataloging and Technical Issues Committees facilitated by library staff.

To meet the essential requirements, the implementation of new software for ILSaS+ is of utmost importance. With its specific attributes, including its open-source nature and support for a flexible, hybrid architecture, this software will be the backbone of the new ILSaS+ environment. It will enable a central installation of the software (Central Catalog), and individual installations for each participating library (Local System).

This implementation will also include the installation of a new modern computing infrastructure at the University of West Attica (UNIWA), along with transferring existing ILSaS data from the infrastructure of GRNET to ensure continuity and reliability.

  • The project is structured into four subprojects:
  • Subproject 1: New ILSaS+ Integrated Library System as Service [Duration: 19 Months, Funding: 1.000.000 €]
  • Subproject 2: New Advanced Discovery Service for Academic Libraries’ Scholarly Content from Multiple Sources (Discovery Services) [Duration: 11 Months, Funding: 400.000 €]
  • Subproject 3: Computational hub ILSaS+ [Duration: 6 Months, Funding: 290.000 €]
  • Subproject 4: Value-added services – Central Support Team [Duration: 22 Months, Funding: 708.750,00 €]

    Project Τitle:  Extension and Enrichment with new Services of the Central Infrastructure to provide an Integrated Library System as a Service. – (ILSaS+)

    Project Duration:  1/2/2023 – 30/11/2024

    Project URL:

    Project Framework & Funding: Digital Transformation 2021-2027 | Project Inclusion Decision no. 1367/07-06-2024 | MIS 600478

    Funding   2.398.750,00€

    Funding UNIWA: The Project consists of a collaborative scheme of three different partners: the operating bodies (SEAB Libraries), the Implementation bodies (Contractors of sub-projects 1 and 2 – see Project Summary), and the Central Support Team (CST). The CST comprises members from the University of West Attica and the National Technical University of Athens. The financial management of the Project is carried out by the Special Account for Research Grants of the University of West Attica (ELKE UNIWA). However, a predetermined budget exclusively for the University of West Attica does not exist as an entity.

    Scientific coordinator (UNIWA):  Dimitrios Kouis, Associate Professor

    Consortium – Partners – Operating Bodies:

    1. University of West Attica
    2. Athens School of Fine Arts
    3. ASPETE
    4. Agricultural University of Athens
    5. Democritus University of Thrace
    6. International Hellenic University
    7. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
    8. National Technical University of Athens
    9. Hellenic Open University
    10. Hellenic Mediterranean University‎
    11. Ionian University
    12. Athens University of Economics and Business
    13. University of Western Macedonia
    14. University of Thessaly
    15. University of Ioannina
    16. University of Crete
    17. University of the Peloponnese
    18. Panteion University
    19. Technical University of Crete
    20. Harokopio University of Athens


    Research Publications / Results / Patents

    The results, presentations, and deliverables of the project are published at regular intervals on the official website (, specifically in the sub-sections “Presentations” and “Deliverables“.

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